Garden Path in Louveciennes chemin de l etarch by Alfred Sisley

Alfred Sisley, one of the principal creators of French Impressionist art, created this painting titled Garden Path in Louveciennes chemin de l etarch. During his life, he painted nearly 900 oil paintings, the landscape paintings constitute most of which, earning him the purest landscape painter among all of the Impressionist artists of that period. In his paintings, the human figures, city views hardly make appearance while countryside subject-matter is his favorites.

In this painting, such as title, it describes a scene of a garden path in a village. We can see that on the left side of this painting, green trees were seperated from the path by fence. There are houses standing on the right side, and dense forest in far distance. A women holding a black umbrella is walking on the path. It’s a cloudy day with dark and grey sky decorated by floated clouds Sisley painted. It’s a bare road but accompanied by lush and green grass on both sides. The whole scene reveals an atmosphere of tranquility and peace.

garden path in louveciennes chemin de l etarch 1873
garden path in louveciennes chemin de l etarch 1873

Alfred Sisley’s landscape paintings occupy an irreplaceable place in the history of early Impressionism. He is famous but not known, admired but little studied. For most of his life, Sisley devoted himself to painting traditional countryside and rural scene, focusing on undisturbed or only distantly animated aspects of his surroundings. He has the capability of turning those scenes to paintings vividly. It is obvious that he showed no interest to aspects of urban life.